Recent Research on Glyphosate and Mineral Accumulation<BR>“Glyphosate is unlikely to cause macro and micronutrient deficiencies in soybean if soil nutrient levels are properly maintained.” <BR>Henry, R.S, K.A. Wise, and W.G. Johnson.  2011.  Glyphosate’s effect upon mineral accumulation in soybean.  Online.  Crop Management  doi:10.1094/CM-2011-1024-01-RS. <BR> <BR> “Considering the available data, growers are unlikely to need Mn fertilizers just because they use glyphosate on GR soybeans.” <BR>Duke, S.O., J. Lydon, W.C. Koskinen, T.B., Moorman, R.L. Chaney, and R. Hammerschmid.  2012.  Glyphosate Effects on Plant Mineral Nutrition, Crop Rhizosphere, Microbiota, and Plant Disease in Glyphosate-Resistant Crops. J. Agric. Food Chem. 60:10375-10397    <BR>